FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOI) REQUESTS by Victims of Financial Fraud (VOFF Inc)


VOFF endeavour to access information about the Trio Capital fraud under the Freedom of Information (FOI Act). VOFF has submitted FOIs to the Australian Securities and Information Commission (ASIC), Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA), Treasury, Australian Tax Office (ATO), Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).

FOIs were delivered to MP Sharon Bird and Stephen Jones but MPs do not come under the FOI Act. FOI was sent to the Commissioner of Corrective Services NSW but they never replied.

FOIs have been sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). 

VOFF argue that the information we seek in the FOI's will clarify and verify the Trio Capital crime. VOFF also believe the FOI information provides a public benefit, by educating people so they will not become prey to the next transnational organised crime sting. Furthermore, the FOI information help keeps the government accountable and transparent. 

FOI 011 to ASIC - Track missing money

Start March 14th 2013 seek ASIC’s action to track down the stolen $180m out of the Trio Capital fund. 

May 3rd 2013 from ASIC.

Received 10 page doc titled "2204_001.pdf" ‘Schedules of Documents’ listing the exempt documents, refused under s33, s37(1)(a) and s42. Mentioned in the refusal list is POCA, may refer to Proceed of Crime Act 2002. FIN.

2204_001_R.pdf 2204_001_R.pdf
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Type : pdf

FOI 035 to ASIC - 3 month Unicomb

Start May 3rd 2013 seek documentation of Mr Unicomb's duties and work performed over his three month investigation period (up to December 2009).

July 5th 2013 from ASIC.

Received two docs, first 2729_001.pdf (5 pages) cover letter and Schedual of Documents (13 items) some refused by s37(1), 42 and 47C(1). Doc 2731_001.pdf (16 pages) Draft Advisory and emails between ASIC Glen Unicomb and Tony D’Aloisio.

Another file arrived July 24th 2013 from ASIC titled 2873_001.pdf (2 pages) concerning Internal Review under s54B and decided not to release unredacted FOI. FIN.

2729_001_R.pdf 2729_001_R.pdf
Size : 435.796 Kb
Type : pdf
2731_001.pdf 2731_001.pdf
Size : 587.546 Kb
Type : pdf

FOI 045 AUSTRAC - granted waiver

Start May 29th 2013 seek documents concerning the waiver Trio Capital was granted by AUSTRAC to move large sums of money (greater than $10,000) offshore without attracting the authorities' attention.  

May 30th 2013 from AUSTRAC, Please note that AUSTRAC does not grant waivers for international funds transfers for reporting entities.

July 15th 2013 from AUSTRAC

Express post with 32 pages in three parts. As electronic copies they are AUSTRAC-Schedule of documents.pdf (3 pages) 9 items in Schedule, AUSTRACT-transactions.pdf

(18 pages) and July12,2013-FOI AUSTRAC.pdf (11 pages). FIN.

July12,2013-FOI AUSTRAC,pdf.pdf July12,2013-FOI AUSTRAC,pdf.pdf
Size : 1832.128 Kb
Type : pdf
AUSTRAC-Schedule of documents.pdf AUSTRAC-Schedule of documents.pdf
Size : 463.046 Kb
Type : pdf
AUSTRACT-transactions.pdf AUSTRACT-transactions.pdf
Size : 2641.439 Kb
Type : pdf