Page 3 Freedom of Information

FOI 145 to ASIC - 2008-2009 DPA document

March 31st 2014 seek the 2008 - 2009 DPA for the Astarra Strategic fund and or the Trio Capital fund. April 15th 2014 from ASIC. Received two docs, first 0052_001.pdf (3 pages) cover letter and Schedule of Documents (39 items). Second doc 0053_001.pdf (184 pages) Master Deferred Purchase Agreement dated February 17th 2009. FIN.

0052_001_R.pdf 0052_001_R.pdf
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Type : pdf
0053_001.pdf 0053_001.pdf
Size : 7418.158 Kb
Type : pdf

FOI 154 to ASIC - fraud/market

Start April 21st 2014 seek ASIC's preparation material and key contributors in finding extent of losses incurred in Trio Capital and the losses due to fraud and the losses due to market conditions. May 16th 2014 from ASIC. Received one file ‘20140516 - decision letter - FOI 154.pdf’ (150 pages) cover letter and Statement of S.D.Richard. FIN.

FOI 161 to APRA - Inform Part 23

Start April 24th 2014 seek documentation illustrating that Senator Sherry's request was carried out, how it was carried out and how SMSF sector is now warned about theft and fraud. May 20th 2014 from APRA. Received two files 20 May 2014_14.002019.pdf (3 pages) cover letter and ‘spr00162377n71454.pdf’ (16 pages) ATO published document titled 'How your self-managed super fund is regulated' dated March 2013. Not related to our request! FIN.

20 May 2014_14.002019_R.pdf 20 May 2014_14.002019_R.pdf
Size : 921.6 Kb
Type : pdf
spr00162377n71454.pdf spr00162377n71454.pdf
Size : 275.383 Kb
Type : pdf

FOI 180 to ASIC - Transfer of $50m

Start June 5th 2014 seek documentation of the "in-species" transfer of unites held by Exploration Fund into Astarra Strategic Fund for the value of approximately $50m AUD on 24th June 2009. June 17th 2014 from ASIC. Received one file 20140617 - FOI 180 - decision letter.pdf (3 pages) cover letter and single spreadsheet of ASF investment into underlying funds by DPA. Not of any help. FIN.

20140617 - FOI 180 - decision letter_R.pdf 20140617 - FOI 180 - decision letter_R.pdf
Size : 374.093 Kb
Type : pdf

FOI 183 to ASIC - Redemptions

Start June 5th 2014 seek documentation of the three substantial redemptions (about $500,000.00, $1m and $800,000.00) carried out between May 22nd 2008 and June 18th 2008. The money was transferred from ASF and ended up with the ARP Growth Fund. June 17th 2014 from ASIC. Received one file ‘20140617 - FOI 183 - decision letter.pdf’ (10 pages) 4 page cover letter, 1 page Schedule of Documents (1 item) partially exempt s47F, and remaining 5 pages ARP Growth General Ledger. FIN.

20140617 - FOI 183 - decision letter_R.pdf 20140617 - FOI 183 - decision letter_R.pdf
Size : 1122.219 Kb
Type : pdf

FOI 184 to ASIC - Illiquidity

Start June 6th 2014 seek documentation of evidence of manipulation or not in the Flader controlled US Shares June 17th 2014 from ASIC. Received one file ‘20140617 - FOI 184 - decision letter.pdf’ (7 pages) 3 of cover letter, 1 of Schedule of Documents (3 items) and remaining three pages about Yarraman Winery. FIN

20140617 - FOI 184 - decision letter.pdf 20140617 - FOI 184 - decision letter.pdf
Size : 364.017 Kb
Type : pdf

FOI 186 toASIC - Yarraman shares

Start June 6th 2014 seek documentation of the alleged manipulation by Jack Flader Controlled Funds in April 2008 where he purchased US$558,432.00 in Yarraman shares for the outlay of US$6,570.00. June 17th 2014 from ASIC. Received file ‘20140617 - FOI 186 - decision letter.pdf’ (7 pages) identical to FOI 184. [cover letter (3pages); Schedule of Documents lists 3 items (1page) and info about Yarraman Winery background (3pages), total 7 pages.] Material is publicly available at SEC web site. Identical to FOI 184. FIN.

20140617 - FOI 186 - decision letter_R.pdf 20140617 - FOI 186 - decision letter_R.pdf
Size : 701.183 Kb
Type : pdf

FOI 200 to CDPP - Garlings source documents

Start June 26th 2014 seek set of documents that supports Justice Garling's claims in, Regina v Shawn Darrell Richard [2011] NSWSC 866 (12 August 2011). July 26th 2014 from DPP. Received six files CDPP Decision letter July 2014.pdf (3 pages) cover letter and Schedule “A” (6 ITEMS) 5 access granted 1 refused. FOI-Document 1.pdf (46 pages) Statement of SDR. Tabs are readable. FOI-Document 2.pdf (4 pages) Richard’s EU FOI-Document 3.pdf (32 pages) R v SDRichard, Crown Submission. FOI-Document 4.pdf (4 pages) Additional Crown Submission. FOI-Document 5.pdf (4 pages) Outline of Crown Submission. FIN.

CDPP Decision letter July 2014_R.pdf CDPP Decision letter July 2014_R.pdf
Size : 799.709 Kb
Type : pdf
FOI-Document 1.pdf FOI-Document 1.pdf
Size : 4171.127 Kb
Type : pdf
FOI-Document 2.pdf FOI-Document 2.pdf
Size : 324.25 Kb
Type : pdf
FOI-Document 3.pdf FOI-Document 3.pdf
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Type : pdf
FOI-Document 4.pdf FOI-Document 4.pdf
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Type : pdf
FOI-Document 5.pdf FOI-Document 5.pdf
Size : 205.238 Kb
Type : pdf